Nigeria has more children not in school than any other country in the world (UNICEF). The children of Jege are no exception. School is not free. The costs are too high for many parents. They cannot afford the tuition and school supplies. Many children can only dream of an education.

Your sponsorship provides your child with the education and care the need to dream of a brighter future. Most importantly, your sponsorship helps them find the hope of a future in Christ.

Sponsorships are $40/month or $480/year.

How will your sponsorship help?

Your sponsorship guarantees them a place in our program. Through you, they attend classes on our Grace & Knowledge campus five days a week. Your gifts will pay for their meals, snacks, uniform, school supplies, and medical check-ups. And, with your support, your student will participate in our Bible club and chapel activities.

Will you receive updates?

Yes! You will receive two updates a year about your student. We hope you enjoy reading about their progress.


Sponsor a waiting child today!

Sponsor a student of Grace & Knowledge Academy at $40/month.



Gender: Boy
Current grade: Grade 7


Gender: Girl
Current grade: Grade 1


Gender: Boy
Current grade: Grade 7


Gender: Girl
Current grade: K


Gender: Boy
Current grade: Grade 3


Gender: Boy
Current grade: Grade 5


Gender: Boy
Current grade: Grade 7


Gender: Girl
Current grade: Grade 5


Gender: Boy
Current grade: Grade 7


Gender: Girl
Current grade: Grade 5