One in three preschool-aged children in the developing world suffers from undernourishment. These children have a greater risk of death and face impaired immune systems and poorer cognitive development as adults (International Food Policy Research Institute).

Our Miracle Milk program improves the health of children living in extreme poverty. Many have HIV, others physical disabilities. But none receive the nourishment their bodies need. We distribute milk combined with Miracle-mix, as well as protein-rich snacks or meals to these children. We end each session with a Bible lesson.


What is Miracle-mix?

A mixture of ground peanuts, corn, rice, and moringa leaves. It provides a wealth of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, calcium, protein, potassium, antioxidants, and amino acids to those who need it most.

Because of our Miracle Milk program sponsors, more children live—and hope in Christ.

How will your sponsorship help?

Your financial commitment will keep our Miracle Milk program active. Your gifts will pay for the milk, Miracle-mix, and snacks we provide.

Will you receive updates?

You will receive three updates a year about the children in our program worldwide.


Partner with us!

Sponsor the children of Miracle Milk through a $10/month program sponsorship.