Families in Nsanganiza and surrounding villages live off of what their small plots of land produce. Without fertilizer, they yield little—tomatoes, corn, and cassava. Children eat one meal a day, on a good day. The meal includes “nsima” (a mixture of corn flour and water) and a serving of vegetables. They consume little protein. School fees—the cost of books, pencils, and a uniform—prevent them from attending public school. Families dream of a better life for their children. But the struggle to survive leaves them discouraged.

Our Nsanganiza Care Center program offers encouragement to these families. Five days a week, village children come to the center for four hours. Through Bible stories and prayers, we show them that Jesus cares about their struggles and listens when they call. Our English and math lessons prepare them for primary school. The porridge we feed them gives them energy until their next meal. To some of their mothers, we provide jobs as teacher’s aids and cooks through our Project Life program. They, too, receive a bowl of porridge. And the income they earn helps many afford older children’s school fees. 

Because of our Nsanganiza Care Center sponsors, over 100 children know about the love of God. In Him, we encourage them to dream.

How will your sponsorship help?

Your financial commitment will keep the doors of our Nsanganiza Care Center open. Your gifts will cover meal costs, educational materials, and provide tuition scholarships to the neediest children.

Will you receive updates?

Yes! You will receive two updates a year about the children in our program.


Partner with us!

Sponsor the children of our Nsanganiza Care Center through a program sponsorship of $25/month.