In Mozambique, about 1.5 million people have HIV (UNAIDS). Unaware of their disease, husbands often infect wives before they, themselves, enter the late stages. HIV stigma leaves women out of a job, without income to feed their children. Many become depressed. As their health deteriorates, so, too, does their ability to care for themselves. Some prefer suicide to suffering.

Our Project Life program delivers aid to HIV-positive/AIDS widows and their families. With the financial support of sponsors, we enable caregivers to serve the sick. Our caregivers clean homes, cook, and bathe their patients. They provide hospital transport and fix leaky roofs. Through Bible studies and prayer, they offer encouragement to the family. Most families in Project Life receive vitamins and supplements from our food pantry services. For those without families, we provide a funeral and burial.

Because of our Project Life sponsors, the sick see light amidst the darkness of disease.

A caregiver’s salary costs $160/month. Four sponsors make this possible for one caregiver at $40/month each. One sponsor may contribute more than one-fourth of the total sponsorship (e.g. one sponsor at $80/month).

How will your sponsorship help?

Your financial commitment will help provide one caregiver with a salary and a monthly supply of food. Your gifts will enable them to serve the sick and dying in their community.

Will you receive updates?

You will receive three updates a year about our Project Life program and your caregiver.


Partner with a caregiver today!

Sponsor a Project Life caregiver, beginning at $40/month.


Emilia Chingoma

Lurde Castigo

Augusta Choir

Fernanda Domingo

Fatima Chipepure

Anita Gimo

Laurinha Fernando

Maria Balança

Elisa Maloa

Maria de Fatima Carlos

Celma Baute

Manuel Victor

Emilia Dias

Madalena Zande